Vote for science
BétaBreak edition March 2021
As grant and budgeting priorities have been put under greater scrutiny due to the Corona pandemic, scientists are dealing with new challenges in the way their work is funded, what will also be felt by generations to come. While some fields having gained capital and prestige due to public perception and political interests, others are struggling to find funders.
As this reestablishment is occurring, it is worth asking, is it for the greater good, or is it reactionary and short term? Should we fund more research into practical and lifesaving science, or should more funding be sent to the fundamental sciences for the long term? Should financing be based on the expected/speculated societal interest as determined by the state, or should academia be the prime discriminator of what research is worthy of support?
In this BètaBreak edition we will discuss such questions with a panel of experts in the handling of university funds and grants, and an expert in the humanities. During the discussion the subject of science funding at large will be discussed keeping in mind the upcoming Dutch elections. Translating this policy discussion to what political party would be best for the exact sciences and the Netherlands in general is left as an exercise taken by the viewer coming 17 of March.