Skin care: from cosmetics to toxins


May 19th 2021 20:00 - 21:00

Over time, the world of skin care has won a spot in almost everyone’s bathroom and nightstand. Commercials promote the ‘right’ skin care routines resulting in health and beauty. But isn’t there more to it, what are the true stories behind skin care?

What is a good skin care routine? Is there truly a cream that can prevent wrinkles from forming? Is skin care even necessary? Does sunscreen protect from cancer or cause it? Over time, the world of skin care has won a spot in almost everyone’s bathroom and nightstand. If we are to believe the commercials, the right skin care routine will not only make your skin healthy but also perfectly smooth, glowing and what not. ‘Toners can make you glow from within and serums can make your skin so hydrated that it looks like glass’. But skin care is not just healthy and pretty. Toxins in skin care can have adverse effects on our health as well as on our environment. Luckily, the development of ‘natural’ skin care is on the rise, developed in harmony with nature and only nurturing and strengthening for you… or is it?

In this edition of the BètaBreak, we will take a deep dive into the world of skin care cosmetics, by discussing the ingredients in skin care products and their effects. We will be breaking some of the most persistent skin care myths and try to answer all your skin care questions.

About the speakers

Heleen Kibbelaar is a PhD candidate in complex fluid systems at the University of Amsterdam. She uses her chemistry knowledge among others to share information on the science behind cosmetics via her Instagram page @sciencemeetscosmetics.

Majorie van Duursen is a researcher in Environmental Health and Toxicology at the Free University Amsterdam.

Ronald van Welie is the Director of the Dutch Cosmetics Association (Nederlandse Cosmetica Vereniging; NCV)


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