The sixth mass extinction
BètaBreak edition November 2019
Many scientists have announced the arrival of the Anthropocene, together with the start of what is beginning to be seen as the sixth mass-extinction. Biodiversity levels around the world are plummeting, largely due to human impact. However, many organisations try to conserve this biodiversity. We are all familiar with the narrative of pandas and tigers losing habitat, but what about the insects? The birds? The fish? Choices are made in where the priority of the larger public lays, and it is these choices and their implications we will be discussing in November’s edition of the BètaBreak!
Sietze Norder (PhD at the Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics at the Science Park)
Joris Buis (Joris Buis is lecturer at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies IIS)
Dr. Gerard Oostermeijer (his research focuses on conservation genetics and population viability of (endangered) species UvA)