Kevin Anderson on carbon budgeting
BètaBreak edition November 2017
Prof. Anderson of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research is a climate change researcher whose focus lays on carbon budgeting. He will tell us what the Paris Agreement means for the European energy supply. His most recent research, which he conducted by order of “Milieudefensie: Friends of the Earth”, is mainly focused on the role that gas can play as “transition fuel”, as it’s the least polluting fossil fuel. His conclusions are clear. If we take the Paris Agreement seriously there will be no place for fossil fuels after 2035, in no form whatsoever. Prof Anderson will show us how much polluting gases can be emitted worldwide (and specifically Europe) under the Paris Agreement, and how much has already been emitted in the past. All this and more during this special lecture edition of the BètaBreak!
Prof. Kevin Anderson (Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research)